The European Robotics Forum 2015 takes place next week in Vienna March 11-13, 2015.

And the MARIO project will be there! MARIO partner ORTELIO will attend the works of the Forum and Mr Ilias Trochidis will have the opportunity to present the project to participants and stakeholders.

The European Robotics Forum is a 3-day event that offers a meeting point for at least 350 scientists, companies and robotics officials from the European Commission. People regard it as the Davos conference of the robotics community in Europe.

Mr Trochidis mentioned to us that we shall have a unique opportunity to share the MARIO message with a multitude of experts from different fields. Our project is different than a vast majority of previously funded research actions as it brings together communities like groups, nurse practionners, dementia specialists, geriatricians, psychologists, people with dementia and their carers ands familes in an ensemble that is capable to co-create value and synergies with technologists.

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  Co-funded by the European Union

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