• WP1: Confirms the initial concept and starts the architecture work; Second (and MOST) importantly it allows the initial concepts to be discussed with /shown to the user groups and  feedback obtained that then effects the design intent and infrastructure requirements, i.e. user led design; Last it allows the initial architecture work, including the interfaces to be developed.
  • WP2: Primarily implements the platform hardware, sensor and communication modifications so the platform can support the requirement.
  • WP3: Executes the health aspects of the proposal related to loneliness, isolation, resilience and dementia. It develops 3 of the 4Connect+ modules.
  • WP4: Executes the health aspects of the proposal related to CGA and MPI assessment with service robots. It develops one of the 4Connect+modules.
  • WP5: Improves what MARIO can do via semantics and machine learning. Personal data and its privacy aspects are considered. WP5 develops several applications and connects MARIO to the Apache Community.
  • WP6: Implement MARIO’s behavioural capabilities and MARIO’s human robot interaction skills.
  • WP7: Integrates WP3‐WP5 and then conducts an iterative development cycle that overlaps with WP3‐WP5 and also later with the pilots.
  • WP8: Is the validation of MARIO in three different stakeholder type assisted living scenarios. It connects to WP7, WP8 and WP9 to maximize impact.
  • WP9: Is dedicated exploitation management of the project foreground and the posturing of the partners for post project replication and uptake.
  • WP10: Targets wide based communication and dissemination activities aimed largely at finding and using multipliers to increase impact.
  • WP11: Ensures efficient and correct coordination and management.
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  Co-funded by the European Union

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