Stockport lies at the edge of the Peak District and is a city in England’s Northwest with a population of around 280,000 and have a long term commitment to working around the field of Ageing. Stockport were part of Greater Manchester’s 3 star reference site award from the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and have made long term commitments around becoming an Age Friendly City.

Stockport have been really keen to get involved with Project MARIO from initial plans for the project and have been consistent partners in many European Cooperation projects related to Active and Healthy Ageing with both Interreg Projects such as Cities in Balance, SeNS and also AAL programmes such as EldersUP!. 

More recently Stockport Council have been closely involved with Project Silver PCP – another successful European funding robotics project targeting seniors in the city with a robotic stroller. More information about that is here:

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  Co-funded by the European Union

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